I love finding new, amazing artists (even if I'm just totally behind in the game of knowing their work).
Uwe Heidschoetter is an amazing, astounding, awesome artist from Germany. He has a new book out which I plan on purchasing very soon from the wonderful art book website Stuart Ng books.
Anyways, I found this piece to be especially home-hitting because, ever since 6th grade (and until two years ago) I've had pet rats. Yes, as pets, and no, not from the wild. They're the sweetest little creatures you can imagine, and they like burrowing unto hooded sweatshirt pockets and curling up on your shoulder.
The title of the piece was "
Girls and Rats", apparently for an animated short idea. Which would be fantastic, because my friend Tamara, had rats also, and we would take our pets over to each other's house to play together, and they always had the best time in the little cardboard houses we made for them; i.e. drew furniture on the insides and cut holes and doors for them to escape in and out.
Too cute, and so nostalgic. It's nice to see someone not trying to follow stereotypes in their art!