Saturday, June 5, 2010


I always seem to get celebrity-crushes on the funkiest people. This year's first dorky crush award goes to the awkwardly adorable, Adam Scott of Parks and Recreation. His grumpy but subtley sweet portrayal of Ben Wyatt, the state auditor is the most entertaining the show has been in months. And it's not like I don't already have crushes on all the other boys on this show (Paul Schneider ((Mark)) is my major crush from the last couple of years, but from other films, not so much P&R). Not to mention Andy (Chris Pratt), Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari), and Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) are all men to adore.

In my geeky, TV-fantasy world, Ben totally hooks up with Leslie (Amy Poehler) and they get married and work their way up the political ladder until they both run as each other's running mate (Leslie for Pres' and Ben for VP) in the 2020 Presidential elections!

Knope-Wyatt 2020!


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