Vinyl toys (if they're done right!) can be the cutest and most artistic things around. It seems weird though that the industry of vinyl toy making is filled with 75% crappy looking figures. I think the medium just isn't utilized as well as it could be since it's sort of a fringe art style.
When I was home in Washington for the holidays with my boyfriend and some friends, we ended up going to my favorite store in Spokane, Boo Radley's. It's filled with tons of cute little vinyl, metal, vintage, and independent seller toys, plus art books and comics and T-shirts and bags and candy and as an extra-extra bonus, they're always playing good music.
We ended up looking at some of the little vinyl toys and ended up getting one of these cute little guys (we got the Pegaphant or something, I forget it's real name - half elephant, half pegasus!) from the Tic Toc Apocalypse series by Amanda Visell.
I want more. Too bad they're sold out online!
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