It's been a pretty crazy last month. Nothing bad, just busy as all heck. So this last week we finally had some time to relax and enjoy being back in San Francisco after a trip to North Carolina for Ryan's amazing friends' wedding. We spent our first lazy weekend drawing in our favorite neighborhood, the Fillmore District, drinking hot chocolate (for me) and fancy americanos (for him) at
Citizen Cake, where they try to be more fancy than I really wish they were. It's a cute spot, but I don't think you really need a server for coffee and cake. But the cake I have to say was well worth the wait.

Later in the week after a few nights of eating in, we decided that enough time had passed for us to go out and eat in the real world again. One of my favorite (and one of the busiest) spots to eat at night on Fillmore Street is
Pizzeria Delfina. The hipsters work it, the townies eat there. It's got great thin crust pizza (if you're into that) and good wine. Aside from breaking out in hives near the beginning of the meal, everything was great!

Nearly ending our week of relaxation, we had tickets to see
Little Dragon - which was a little spice in our designated lazy time and by Saturday was definitely a welcome change of pace. Little Dragon front-woman Yukimi Nagano is like a cross between a little girl, and Mick Jagger. She's got the best dance moves and a kick ass band that sort of crosses between electronic/indie/tribal and some kind of new-wave hippie jamming. It was awesome to say the least.

Finally, Sunday was the warmest night in the city for months (of course it's February, and that isn't really something we were expecting but it was totally perfect!). We walked around the Marina and drew at The Grove and finally ended the day with a gorgeous sunset view of the Golden Gate Bridge. I'm pretty sure we are now at 100% relax-capacity and are finally ready to get back into life.