I love bicycling, and grew up biking all over the neighborhood and dirt trails behind it as a kid. When I moved to San Francisco in 2002 I missed having it so much that I insisted that my parents bring my Specialized mountain bike down from Washington with them when I moved into my apartment from the dorms. Of course, riding a bike in the city is a thousand times different than riding a bike in the country. To be honest, living on top of a hill didn't help, and it scared the shit out of me going down it and was torturous going back up, so my silver bike didn't get much riding aside from the one month I used it to commute to CalTrain for an intership in Los Gatos.
Recently, however, I've moved to a bigger, better, more fantastic apartment with my boyfriend that is lower down on the hill next door, so I'm finally feeling like I could actually do some bicycling again. Unfortunately, my bike was stolen from the basement of my old building (even though it was chained up to a wooden post). So now, if I do want to seriously start riding again, I have to go out and get a new bicycle. And that's actually really exciting because San Francisco is one of the most bike-enthusiastic cities despite its hills.
Looking into this new venture though, I found a cool shop in Oakland called
Manifesto that sells the awesome
Linus Dutch bikes, which I have developed a crush on recently. If you go to their site, there is a link to a gallery of all the bikes that they've sold to people - almost like a "
The Sartorialist" of bikes. Everyone looks so happy that it's pretty much got me sold on going there to get one when I do have a chance to buy one.
But anyways, check out all the nifty bikes and all the
cool/adorable people who are out there riding them right now!