Sunday, November 28, 2010

I wish I could knit...

...because these yarns from Spincycle Yarns in Washington are freaking gorgeous.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soup Scandal!

I love me some cream of cauliflower soup and this recipe that I found on the blog Whisk tells about how the soup was a favorite of France's King Louis XV, and named Veloute du Barry after his mistress, Contesse du Barry. Now that's pretty dramatic for a vegetable soup!


Monday, November 22, 2010

The Weirder, the Better


PS! - You should also check out Vera's blog (one of the co-creators for this short) here!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swedish girls have the coolest voices.

And infinite talent it seems.... First Aid Kit, You're Not Coming Home Tonight - sisters Johanna and Klara.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Momijigari Autumn

Momijigari (紅葉狩?), from the Japanese momiji (紅葉?), "red leaves" or "maple tree" and kari (狩り?), "hunting", is the Japanese tradition of going to visit scenic areas where leaves have turned red in the autumn.

Growing up with two Japanese, red maples in my yard, I have a nostalgia that draws me toward them every autumn, and the fact that this summer my love of Japan was reignited. I can't wait to see it someday in person.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Young Heart.

It pretty much never ceases to amaze me when talented teenagers are kicking the butts of photographers and artists twice their age. Sometimes I think that the only way to be truly artistic is to be young. Or at least, young at heart. Hold off all of the boundaries of being an adult and maybe you'll find your inspiration.

Photographs by aspiring fashion photographer, 15-year-old Ann He.


Friday, November 12, 2010

I would love this jacket until it fell apart at the seams.

And I'm serious.

Ya done good Bridge and Burn... now if only I can scrape together the $200(!) to get one!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nice Guys: John Denver

John Denver was another amazing, considerate, talented, nice guy. He definitely is a good person to aspire to be like... in case any boys out there are wondering if they're really a "nice guy".

Odin New York for the shirt; Greven guitar, just like the one John played.


Monday, November 8, 2010

So, So Salty

Ever since I first tried the Salty Dog chocolates that I picked up from Whole Foods this summer, my boyfriend and I have been obsessed with salted sweets.

Here are a few delicious-looking salted treats that I looked up on that I am dying to try baking!

My lips can taste the salty-sweetness already!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

When you're missing sunny days.

Well, it was nice and sunny and gorgeous in the city yesterday, and today it has decided to make a 180 and rain like crazy. I like the rain ,but I was kind of happy with the sun this weekend. At least there are always pretty photos of lovely places to make me feel better, like this polaroid from Abby Try Again.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Portraits of the Cycling Sort

I love bicycling, and grew up biking all over the neighborhood and dirt trails behind it as a kid. When I moved to San Francisco in 2002 I missed having it so much that I insisted that my parents bring my Specialized mountain bike down from Washington with them when I moved into my apartment from the dorms. Of course, riding a bike in the city is a thousand times different than riding a bike in the country. To be honest, living on top of a hill didn't help, and it scared the shit out of me going down it and was torturous going back up, so my silver bike didn't get much riding aside from the one month I used it to commute to CalTrain for an intership in Los Gatos.

Recently, however, I've moved to a bigger, better, more fantastic apartment with my boyfriend that is lower down on the hill next door, so I'm finally feeling like I could actually do some bicycling again. Unfortunately, my bike was stolen from the basement of my old building (even though it was chained up to a wooden post). So now, if I do want to seriously start riding again, I have to go out and get a new bicycle. And that's actually really exciting because San Francisco is one of the most bike-enthusiastic cities despite its hills.

Looking into this new venture though, I found a cool shop in Oakland called Manifesto that sells the awesome Linus Dutch bikes, which I have developed a crush on recently. If you go to their site, there is a link to a gallery of all the bikes that they've sold to people - almost like a "The Sartorialist" of bikes. Everyone looks so happy that it's pretty much got me sold on going there to get one when I do have a chance to buy one.

But anyways, check out all the nifty bikes and all the cool/adorable people who are out there riding them right now!


PS! - Doesn't that guy with the white T-shirt and awesome sleeve near the top remind you of the Levi's guy from that awesome video with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros song Home??

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tiny People


Monday, November 1, 2010

Preparing for Cold Weather

Jackets are probably my most cherished article of clothing to wear. They end up being the frosting on the cake of an outfit no matter what; so even if you have an amazing, gorgeous get-up going on, in 90% of weather conditions you'll be covering it up with some sort of jacket.

Here are some jackets and coats that look like they'll make some pretty tasty icing on the cake:
Top is from Ann Taylor Loft; Middle is from Madewell; Bottom is from ASOS.